Hein Vanhaezebrouck in top 50 beste trainers FourFourTwo

Hein Vanhaezebrouck in top 50 beste trainers FourFourTwo

Met fierheid vernam KAA Gent vandaag dat onze coach Hein Vanhaezebrouck door het bekende Britse voetbalblad FourFourTwo werd opgenomen in hun lijst "50 Best managers in the world 2015". Vanhaezebrouck staat op plaats 47 en is de enige Belgische coach die in de lijst werd opgenomen.

Hier een kort extract uit hun analyse van de coach die KAA Gent een eerste titel schonk in 115 jaar:

"After several years of remarkable work with limited resources at his hometown club Kortrijk, Vanhaezebrouck became Gent coach in 2014, tasked with restoring pride at a club that had become an also-ran. Few expected him to make such an immediate impact, though, as he took De Buffalos to an unlikely league title in his first season which was made even more impressive by that fact that Gent had never won one in their 115-year existence.

Tactically versatile and a good motivator, Vanhaezebrouck has a knack of raising the performance levels of unfancied players."

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Hoe ze bij FourFourTwo tot hun lijst kwamen lees je hier:

"FFT is used to ranking the world's 100 best footballers on an annual basis. Managers, though? Not so much.

When the team huddles around a table to discuss (well, fight about) the former each year, we have two clear measuring sticks to go by: form over the past year, and overall class.

Arguably, though, it'd be harsh (or generous, on the flip side) to judge a head honcho heavily on his last year's work – after all, one bad season doesn't make Jürgen Klopp an undesirable dugout dweller now. 

There's still a generous nod to recent achievements, of which there are many among our crop, but a manager is made over time – or specifically, he makes himself – and that's what this list is really about.

Some managers have made it because they're straight-up winners; others for their almighty man-management or tactical nous. All of them share one key trait, though: the ability to lead, and lead well. 

With those ideas in mind, we consulted with a clutch of our knowledgable writers from around the world to settle on a half-century of the planet's top bosses. Some of them may be new to you, many won't, but each of them has a story worth telling – and a rightful place in FFT's 50 Best Football Managers in the World."

Meer weten over FourFourTwo? Klik hier voor de link naar hun site en hier voor een link naar Wikipedia.

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(met dank aan Jan Van Hamme voor de tip via Twitter)